Tuesday, February 16, 2016

More for my AT&T friends

In 2010, I excitedly blogged about these new innerducts buried along the side of the road. I was sure that fiber optic cables would soon be pulled in or blown in. Subsequently I would report again every year or so that the innerducts were still there but no fiber cables.

Now this year, the nearby drainage ditch has been relocated and the grade has been raised, all for walkway work.

Only one end of one innerduct is still visible. Then, down the road a piece, innerducts are exposed at the bottom of the relocated drainage ditch. And a bit further away, one end of a cut innerduct is sticking out of the ditch floor.

I suppose it's possible that a fiber optic cable has been placed in one of the innerducts over the last year since I can no longer see all the ends at the fence post, but if it had, I would have expected to see a fiber splice there. But maybe they spliced a duct and pulled through. Wishful thinking on my part.

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