Thursday, February 18, 2016

Breakfast at IU House

Breakfast at IU House is basic but sufficient. It consists of cereals (corn flakes and Wheatabix) and milk, bananas, toast with various spreads, coffee and tea. Eggs are available if you want to cook them yourself in the industrial kitchen.

Everyone seems to settle into their breakfast routine and have the same thing day after day. And year after year for repeat visitors.

Many aren't fans of the milk and avoid the cereal option. The milk is whole milk, ultra-pasteurized (expiration date 6 months), in these plastic bag things that hold 500ml each (about 2 cups). The milk is warm and not very white. I don't mind it but would prefer some nice, cold 1%.

The Campbells each have an Elvis breakfast of toast with peanut butter and banana slices. The local peanut butter is...ok, but it's kind of gritty, kind of oily. So this year, the third year for the Campbells, they brought their own Jiff. Because, you know, choosy mothers choose Jiff. And I don't blame them one bit. Next year, maybe I'll bring some Smucker's jelly, to avoid the weird plum stuff they serve here.

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