Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Flush with money, infrastructure projects

Kenya and Eldoret have changed more over the last year than any previous annual visit. There are many public infrastructure improvement projects underway, and there are many new buildings under construction.

My Kenya friends tell me that the public works projects are a result of the new Kenyan constitution approved in 2010. One of the main provisions was to distribute tax revenues back to the counties instead of mostly staying in Nairobi. Do local governments have money for projects. We are seeing many new, wide walkways being cleared, leveled, and paved. If you're in congested traffic on a Kenyan road, you'd think there are too many cars. But Realty is that most Kenyans travel by foot. I'm used to not having sidewalks here. Mostly you have dirt paths along a road out try to walk on the edge of the road if there's room. These new walkways are a great improvement.

The upper photo shows a new path just finished. (The actual road is to the right.) The lower photo shows a more traditional walking path.

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