Sunday, February 28, 2016

Looking back... game drives (random photos)

White Storks at dusk


Lion tracks

Vickie enjoying a Tusker sundowner

best photo of the trip... a female cheetah and her 3 adolescent cubs. Photo by Bruce.

Looking back... Shampole Wilderness Camp

Our tent

the "mess" tent

the chef in his outdoor kitchen.  Wow, he can do wonders!

He baked awesome things in his charcoal oven (left).

chilling' by the river

monkey in one of the giant fig trees along the river.

Annual tradition

New Rivatex calendar is up

Friday, February 26, 2016


After lunch at our safari camp, we flew from the local airstrip to the Nairobi Wilson airport where we meet up with our travel agent and friend Netta, and also our friend Lucy and her daughter Amani.

After a nice visit with them, we were driven to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) where we are waiting for our various flights to Europe and on to the US.

Sent from Kyle's AT&T iPhone

Susan riding with "Diesel"

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Floating down the river

Thursday morning we went kayaking and tubing down the local river. It was great fun. We saw many Baboons, Colobus monkeys, and Vervet monkeys.

Diana and Diesel

David and Kyle


Floating down the river