Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Water at Indiana House

We don't drink tap water in Kenya as our "systems" aren't used to the local bacterias. (or whatever. I'm no doctor!) Anyway, IU House always has a lot of residents and a great need for drinkable water. This photo shows their setup. The employees fill this big tub with tap water and boil it with a large propane burner (next to the OPEN window). The water is then poured into the large metal urns. Then the urn spigots are used to fill old wine bottles (that are cleaned daily.). There might be a hundred wine bottles here. You can see some in the corner on the table. The bottles are then used in the dining room for meals and they are also available to take to the rooms for drinking and for brushing teeth. Also, you can fill used, cleaned plastic water bottles from the urns and have drinking water "to go". To the left, not in this picture, are a couple of refrigerators. One is full of wine water bottles and the other has sodas and Tusker beer for sale on an honor system. This room is adjacent to the dining room.

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