Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday evening

At lunch on Monday I met Carlos (top photo, right) and Louis (bottom photo left). They are from Spain. Carlos is an ENT that specializes in nose jobs and sinuses. Louis is a nurse. Carlos has been here once before. They came to do sinus cases and training but their timing is bad because the ENT's here are tied up with exams. Carlos seemed to be saying that he came now because of when he received approvals from the foundation he is working for. I don't know if he asked if this week was a good time to come. If he did, the Kenyans probably told him "fine" as they don't say "no" to any offers of help. He will still give some lectures to the OR staff and will operate on Friday but that's about it. Carlos is interesting. He closes his private practice (but still works at the university) every summer so he can kite-surf and do other extreme water-sports on the Mediterranean every day.

Monday evening Dr Sisenda took us to the Eldoret Club, the country club, for dinner. It was a little odd traveling down a dirt road and going through a gate, and wow, a really nice looking golf course and building. The building is their clubhouse/restaurant/bar/hotel. It looked really nice.

We had dinner with the Spaniards and also an ENT who recently joined the local staff. Dr Moustafa is in the upper photo on the left and his wife is in the lower photo on the right. They are from Egypt. There is a glut of doctors in Egypt so when he reached retirement age, he was forced out. He came to Kenya so he could keep practicing.

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