Thursday, November 18, 2010

Travel day to Eldoret

This morning we say goodbye to Majlis and our island paradise. We will boat back to the airstrip and fly to Nairobi. There, our driver Eddie will pick us up at Wilson Airport, take us to lunch, and then deliver us to JKIA for our flight to Eldoret...

When Eddie was taking care of us in Nairobi a few days ago, we made arrangements for him to take us to lunch. We asked to go somewhere that he would like to go. Not a mzungu (white or foreigner) restaurant. Hopefully we will experience something good!

We brought a couple of trunks with IU supplies. Eddie is currently holding them for us in Nairobi. With those, we will be grossly overweight for our flight to Eldoret. Hopefully they will let us by or negotiate a lower penalty for humanitarian goods. You never know in Kenya...

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