Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Audiology Booth

You may recall that Susan sent a retired sound-proof audiology booth and three audiometers on the recent shipping container. These were unused items that she commandeered from Wishard Hospital.

The booth and equipment had already made their way to the ENT clinic before we got here (thankfully!). The two audiologists, Eric and Richard, had already sorted things out and knew what they had and what they didn't have. They had everything except a step-down transformer (to convert the local 220V to the USA 110V standard that the equipment is wired for) AND audio patch cords to connect the audiometer to the booth. Who knows what happened to the patch cords since the booth was last used at Wishard...

Needing a step-down transformer is standard procedure here. The hospital techs easily came up with one. The trickier thing was the 1/4" plug mono audio patch cords.

At home, when I want to try to find something that may be a little unique or specific to a problem, I search the Internet. My first site to search is often eBay as it seems that if something exists, someone is selling it on eBay. So I searched eBay and with a little refinement, I found such patch cords. The interesting thing I noted is that the seller was targeting musicians and these were advertised for connecting an electric guitar or microphone to an amplifier. I mentioned this to the local guys I was with and they said "of course!" and that there were a couple music stores in town.

So we went to "Vineyard Sounds" which is a doorway behind the gas pumps in the upper picture and I was able to buy the patch cords we needed.

Back in the clinic everything is now working great. In the lower picture, Eric is in the booth wearing headphones and Richard is working the audiometer while another looks on. They may now have the best audiology setup in the country. It is amazing to pack up such large things back in Indy, and like magic, they appear in Eldoret.

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