Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Warm shower / Nakumat

Of course Americans are spoiled. We like to take a daily hot bath or shower. Most Kenyans don't bathe like we do. It's just a difference between cultures. Besides, I would guess that across the country, most Kenyans don't have running water in their homes let alone electricity. In a city like Eldoret, the chances are better. Houses that do have water have single-pipe water. There is no hot and cold. Just water. IF you are wealthy enough to have water and electricity in your home then you may splurge and buy an electric shower head instant water heater. We have these on the showers at Indiana House. They are like a big plastic shower head with an electric line running into it to power the heater. As water fills the shower head you can hear a little switch click on and the water coming out gets warm. Although this is FAR better than a cold shower, it's not perfect. Water pressure at IU House isn't that great. But with this thing, it doesn't matter because if you turn the water up very much, the volume is too much for the heater and your warm shower gets colder. You have a tradeoff between temperature and volume/pressure. I choose lower pressure and more heat.

These are for sale at Nakumat. Nakumat is like a miniature Wal*Mart. They sell all kinds of different things. It's a great store. And since it is a modern store with set prices and checkout scanners, there is no negotiating and no "mzungu" vs African price. All pay the same.

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