Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday evening

Had dinner at IU House this evening and sat with a family from San Francisco. Husband is an orthopedic surgeon and wife is an OBGYN. They are here with their 9 year old son and 11 year old daughter for one month as part of their 10 month trip around the world doing medical work. They worked on trip plans for two years, rented out their house, turned in their leased cars, got qualified for "home school" for the kids, etc. They have worked in Israel and Kenya, (maybe Germany? I forget) and have plans for South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, and China. Very interesting...

So back in the USA, it is time for the 1:00pm football games to start. Since the Colts play at 4:15pm, that would be "Monday morning football" for us, starting just after midnight. We have no tv so no temptation to stay up and watch... Especially since the Colts are so short-handed and playing at New England.

Sent from Kyle's iPhone

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