Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday. Teamwork

"Teamwork" was the word of the day. The team did a lot of teaming to keep things moving. Who's doing what surgery and when? How can we best get all the work done? Susan was the first of the surgeons to go to the ENT Clinic to see patients there. Betsy and I both assisted her by helping with paperwork. We were taking any load we could from her in order to increase her throughput. While she was seeing a patient with Betsy, the next patient would come to my area. I'd get her chart ready for Susan. Then when Susan came and took care of my patient, I took notes for the chart while Betsy readied the next and so on. Since Betsy is a physician, she was much better than me, but I think I helped some.

Somehow with the teamwork, whether performing surgeries, seeing patients in clinic, or making post-op visits on the ward, everyone finished at the same time, around 7:30. Dr. Sisenda was also there and invited us all to the Eldoret Country Club for dinner.

Remember Maiyo, our "assigned driver"? Well, he really is assigned to us. The day before, Susan was making small talk and mentioned that she like passionfruit juice. I called him to take us to the Club, and he gave Susan a big bag of passionfruits. (I have given them to the IU cooks and they will juice them.) Maiyo didnt have any other responsibilities, so I invited him to join us for dinner, which he did.

We had a nice time but another late night, not getting home until after 10:00. If everyone can survive Friday, I think we will enjoy our weekend getaway at Lake Baringo.

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