Friday, February 25, 2011


Before going to Clinic yesterday, I visited the AMPATH farm which is a two acre irrigated farm on hospital property. They also have another six acre irrigated farm not too far away, and they provide various forms of help to the clients who farm throughout the region.

Their clients are HIV+ patients. The farm provides jobs and fresh vegetables for them.

They have some fruit trees but mostly they grow carrots, kale, onions, tomatoes, etc. They also have a greenhouse where they start seedlings. In some cases, they sell them to the public.

They also sell passionfruit seedlings. I learned that there are at least two varieties. One is from the coast and is resistant to root disease while the local variety has better fruit but has root disease issues. So at the farm here, they are using root stock from the coast and are grafting the local variety onto the root stock. They sell these seedlings to clients for 35/= or to outside farmers for 40/= each. They may sell a few hundred of these to a single farmer.

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