Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day one, Sunday

So today we were up at 5:00am, which is really 9:00pm back home. No wonder we are so tired! A van took us to the airport and then returned to the hotel and picked up 19 pieces of luggage and took them to some transit terminal in Nairobi to be trucked up to Eldoret.

We flew Jetlink to Eldoret. Flight time is only 30 minutes. Our ride was waiting for us and took us to IU House.

Everyone settled in, then we walked into town, hit the ATMs, had lunch, and visited a couple stores for some essentials. Then we walked to the hospital. Susan gave a tour for the group while I sorted out our cell phones, SIM cards, and pre-paid minutes. (Everyone in the group now has a working Kenyan cell.)

We then went to the ENT clinic. Patients and staff were expecting us. The medical people screened and reviewed patients that are scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Worth noting here: unlike the US, tomorrow's surgery patients are admitted to the hospital today! I suppose here it must be done that way because most rely on public transportation and probably can't get to the hospital early in a reliable fashion. When clinic was winding down, our friend and IU driver, Javen, called...

He had picked up our luggage at the Eldoret transit terminal. We had him meet us at the hospital and we collected the bags that had medical equipment and supplies and took them to Dr. Sisenda's office for sorting and storage. Javen the took the rest to IU House for us.

The medical team then sorted through the bags enough to gather supplies they want for tomorrow's surgeries.

Now we are back at IU House in time for dinner. And hopefully a good night's sleep.

Sent from Kyle's AT&T iPhone

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