Thursday, February 4, 2010

update on rain and moths

Asking my friend Mark and another engineer, Faith, about rain and the moths that were everywhere. Well, it's the dry season but it still rains. Usually about once per 3 weeks and not for very long. The amount of rain and duration were unusual today. Now that it's night time after a rainy day, it is pleasantly cool.

Now for the weird stuff... Those moths were termites. Giant ones, if you ask me. They like to come up out of the ground after it rains. These are the same flying termites that create the tall, skinny mounds we see in the Rift Valley near Lake Baringo. Mark tells me that they don't create the tall mounds (I mean some are over 10' tall in the valley!) in these parts because the ground is too sandy. But in the valley, there's more clay and they build the giant mounds.

But that's not the really weird part. Some people eat the termites. They love them. Faith loves them. They're quite sweet. You heat up a pan (very hot) and drop handfuls of the termites on the pan. (Yes, live. I asked.) No other ingredients. No oil or anything. Just bam. On the pan. They're done. And you eat them by the handful because they taste so good. So says Faith...

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