Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going Away Party

Last night we had a going away dinner at a restaurant in town. I don't have pictures with me, so I'll just write about it for now. I think everyone that works in the ENT Clinic and the Operating Rooms turned out, as did the Dean of the medical school, Chief of Nursing, Surgery Department Head and the Chief of the entire hospital. It was to start at 6:30, but as is par for the course this week, most of the team didn't arrive until 7:30 or so because they were still in the OR. Of course that meant some of the staff working in the OR also came late. But eventually everyone showed up.

It was a very nice affair with complimentary speaches all around, from both sides of the world. Also gifts were exchanged. One funny thing is that the venue wasn't really set up for a group this large, and the accoustics weren't very good, so unless you were near the head table, you couldn't hear the speeches. What you could hear quite well however, was the car alarm going off repeatedly on the street below and the cappuccino machine being used nearby. Yes. Cappuccino in Eldoret. One of those crazy things in the world. A restaurant can get a cappuccino machine, but the hospital can't afford to buy equipment! I suppose we have similar issues in the US...

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