Friday, February 5, 2010

Laryngeal Papillomas

One of the recent surgery's performed by Drs. Weisberger and Chacko was to remove laryngeal papillomas from a little girl. These benign tumors in the larynx are caused by a virus and had completed blocked her airway. The girl already had a tracheotomy performed so that she could breathe. The surgeons used the scope of the newly donated sinus tower for viewing. One of the pictures is simply a picture of the HD Monitor that was donated as part of the "sinus tower". The clarity of what they can see through a scope is simply amazing. Again, the hospital did not have this equipment until we brought it this week.
The surgeons also used a laryngoscope and microlaryngeal instruments that were loaned to Susan for this trip. Unfortunately, she needs to return them to the company that loaned them. Although benign, the papillomas will recur. In the US, a patient like this would be treated regularly to keep them from obstructing the airway. This little girl will need future treatments if she is to avoid having a tracheostomy tube for her whole life. Susan hopes to get equipment like this donated in the future, but for now, she only has a loaner set.

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