Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Another long day. As I write this at 8:30pm, Susan and the other ENT's are still seeing patients in clinic. we started our day hauling out equipment and supplies to the hospital. Actually, the hospital sent a van which had room for our gear, bit not us, so we walked.

Much of the morning was spent with diplomatic duties, tours, and the like. But also we sorted through our supplies which will pay dividends the rest of the trip.

I spent the majority of my day helping the "engineers" put together the "sinus tower". We were successful as the equipment worked and was used for one of the later cases today. This is equipment that Susan asked for from an equipment company who happily donated some used equipment. The hospital had no such equipment before.

I think the surgeons completed about 5 cases, but they had signed up many more! something will have to give. If my math is correct, you can't sign up ten surgeries each day but only complete five the next. We will see how this is resolved. My guess is they will have to turn patients away sooner than anticipated.

The "surgery of the day" had to be the removal of an enormous keloid. If you don't know what a keloid is, look it up. I hope to post pictures tomorrow. Let's just say this patient was very happy and relieved after the surgery was over. The giant keloid weighed in at 18 lbs.

Stay tuned…

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