Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Storage shelves

Years ago, We were asked to help get shelves for the storage room outside the operating rooms. The carpentry group on campus gave us a quote that was quite expensive. Materials like plywood are very expensive here. So after the trip, back in Indy where we lived at the time, I bought two of these kits at Lowe's. We took them to the storage facility near the IU Medical Center to get on the next shipping container from IU to Eldoret. In the mean time, the Kenyan government started charging taxes on donations entering the country. Go figure. IU protested and has never sent another container since.

Last year Diana somehow connected with a Christian based org that was sending a container to Africa and had some space available. For not a lot of money, we were able to ship a bunch of the ENT stuff that had been in storage for years. That shipment included these long forgotten shelves. I put them together this afternoon. They will soon be buried in supplies.

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