Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fire Alarm!

False alarm. Ok, the gang worked late in the operating theatre Tuesday night as mentioned before. Well, most lighting during the day comes from all the windows and abundant sunshine. So as the sun was going down, it was getting dark in the hallway outside the operating rooms where Diana and Kathi have their command center table set up with paperwork, supplies, etc. Diana wanted to turn the lights on and started trying all the wall stitches she could find. As you can already guess, this switch, although it looks EXACTLY like every other light switch in Kenya, is for the for the fire alarm. Once upon a time, it was labeled as such with a red marker. But it has faded over time. Maybe Diana could have noticed the writing IF IT WEREN'T DARK. What happens when the alarm goes off? Just the sound of an alarm. No automatic dispatch of a fire Department or anything. You just turn the switch back off. Kathi got out a red Sharpie and re-labeled it to prevent a future false alarm.

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