Monday, February 19, 2018

Boda Boda

A boda boda is a motorcycle taxi. These are everywhere in town. I'm quite sure their numbers have doubled since we started coming.

The drivers typically wear heavy coats, no matter the temperature. Some people use them to commute to or from work. I also see them used a lot during lunch time. But most of the time the drivers just wait. Here are some lunchtime photos.

Including the driver, it's not unusual to see 3 on a bike. I've seen 4 a number of times. I'm sure there's been 5, probably including children. Based on my observations and intuition, the further outside of town you get, the more likely to see 4 on a bike.

A boda boda ride is more expensive than a matatu but less than a regular taxi. Which, by the way, probably doesn't have a taxi sign on it, but is likely to just be some guy with a car that decides it's a taxi. I've certainly never seen a meter in one.

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