Thursday, February 5, 2015

Patient responsibilities

Patients are responsible for their "investigations" (labs, tests) and their "findings" (results). Patients coming into the clinic bring any test results with them, including CT scan films, ultrasound pictures, lab results etc. There aren't electronic medical records. The patient is expected to transport any test info themselves.

Perhaps the oddest thing to me is that the patient is responsible for taking things to the pathology department themselves. For example, I've seen a biopsy taken in the clinic. The tissue is put in a specimen bottle, the lid is screwed on, and tape is placed around the cap to make sure the cap doesn't come loose. It is then given to the patient to take to pathology.

Incidentally, the tape is the basic 1" white cloth tape you typically see in medical settings. Here they refer to it as "strapping".

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