Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Introducing: Moshi

Moshi. Pronounced MO-She.

We thought we might adopt a puppy from the humane society or similar after our Kenya trip. The timing would be good that way. We wouldn't need a sitter for this trip. We wouldn't have to work on potty training in February weather. And we'd simply have more time to get past some of the hurt of losing Kido.

But sometimes the plans of mere mortals don't work out. Less than two weeks before leaving for Kenya, one of Kyle's co-workers (Mike, who is also a doggy softy) tells him of a rescued puppy that his sister-in-law is caring for and is looking for a permanent home. The puppy was found at a truck stop, was covered in fleas, and had worms. (Mike's S-I-L took care of the medical issues.) Mike showed Kyle a picture. Kyle showed Susan a picture. "Would you like to meet him?". Yes. And we were hooked.

Mike and his family were even kind enough to offer to keep him until we returned from our trip. Ultimately we found a trainer for him to stay with who would help potty train him and start working on basic manners. This will surely save Mike's house from some puppy pee.

Our vet thinks he's a mix of Jack Russell Terrier and Brittany Spaniel. He kind of looks like a JRT. He has scruffy fur and hazel Brittany eyes. He's expected grow to nearly 20 lbs. Currently he is 8. He's very affectionate and loves to play. He doesn't like to be left alone.

We've already grown attached to the little guy an are sure going to miss him while we're away.

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