Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So hot, then cold

After our picnic lunch, we walked along the ridge to a trail head to hike down to the water for a dip in the lake. It was so unbelievably hot. It was Africa hot. As we began our decent it started to rain. And it poured. And it even hailed a bit. We made it maybe 1/4 of the way down and decided this was not such a good idea. We were soaked and freezing. So we climbed back out and made our way back to the Nissan and drove back to the castle. The old Nissan isn't very dependable. It stalled a few times. It wouldn't start a few times. It had to be push-started a few times. Once by a bunch of school kids. The heavy rains had made the dirt roads even worse than they were before by washing away more dirt along the edges. We were glad to get back this evening. It's time to relax.

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