Friday, January 25, 2013

Imani workshop

On Friday, one of the significant surgery cases was canceled which freed up the schedule some, so I escorted Todd, Kristina, and Bryan to the Imani workshop. HIV+ women become artisans here and make various items for sale around the world (and become financially self-sufficient in the process.) They make their own parchment paper and use it to make journals, notecards, picture frames, and decorative bowls. They make their own beads in a variety of styles and then make their own jewelry with them. They also buy fabrics and make a wide variety of bags, stuffed animals, and other gift items.

Some Indy friends may recall we had a party/fund-raiser at our house last summer where their products were sold to raise funds for the IU-Kenya ENT program. These funds are now being use to provide surgeries this trip.

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