Saturday, January 19, 2013

Departure day

Today we begin our journey back to Eldoret. The hardest thing for us is to leave Moshi behind. We will take him to his sitter's house In a couple of hours. It's tough to leave but we are anxious to get under way and to finally get there on Monday.

Our good friend and neighbor Larry Lazarz will haul us and an extreme amount of luggage to the airport. Susan is very good at maximizing the supplies we take by ensuring that we and all participants use their entire allotment of checked bags. We just discovered this week that Delta will allow Susan and I to each check three 50# bags, plus bring a carry-on. We can check three each because of our frequent flier status. It will be a relief when we get it all checked in and an even bigger relief when it is all in Eldoret.

Speaking of supplies and extreme amounts of luggage, we have made arrangements to have the bulk of our luggage sent by truck from Nairobi to Eldoret. It is too much to take on our Kenya Airways flight to Eldoret. We should arrive in Eldoret early Monday while our luggage should catch up with us late in the afternoon.

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