Saturday, February 7, 2009

Masai Mara Day One

This morning, we left Nairobi and flew to Masai Mara game park. We went on a short game drive on the way to the camp. Then we had down time until an evening game drive. The scenery here is sooooo gorgeous, and we have seen many exciting animals. To name a few: elephants (including a mom and very young baby - see picture), cape buffalo, impalas, topi, zebras, jackals, ostriches, lions. We had a nice drink by the fire while listening to Kenyan music before dinner. At dinner, Masai dancers did a performance which was very cool. They were in native dress and sang and danced which included a lot of jumping. Tomorrow, we plan a couple more game drives as well as a visit to a Masai village. Now, we are pretty exhausted and are headed back to our tent for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Susan ... what lovely photos! I am looking forward to hearing more about your trip and following your progress.
