Thursday, February 5, 2015

Walking Together, Walking Far

Dr. Joe Mamlin is one of the founders of the IU partnership with the local medical school here. He and his wife, Sarah Ellen, have lived here for years doing their work. We find them to be very inspiring people.  Susan will quickly tell you that she would do anything for Joe.

"Walking Together, Walking Far" is a book about the creation of the partnership. It's a very interesting read. If I remember correctly, the title comes from the notion that if you walk alone, you can walk fast. But if you walk together, you can walk farther.

The description of the book is:
A remarkable partnership between the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Moi University School of Medicine in Kenya has built one of the most comprehensive and successful programs in the world to control HIV/AIDS. Calling upon the resources of the Americans, the ingenuity of the Kenyans, and their shared determination to care for patients who had been given up for dead, the program has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and described as a miracle by the U.S. ambassador to Kenya. Doctors from Kenya and the United States—employing methods once considered unfeasible, such as successfully administered antiretroviral regimes—have created a model program for saving lives and empowering the sick and impoverished. Against formidable odds, these partners demonstrate how medicine and caring can overturn preconceived notions about Africa and help wipe out the world's most devastating pandemic.

Sent from Kyle's AT&T iPhone

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