Thursday, February 12, 2009

Riley Mother and Baby Hospital, Wednesday, Feb 11

A highlight for Wednesday was touring the new, soon-to-open, Riley Mother and Baby Hospital, which is a large, new building on the hospital campus. This new building was financed with donations primarily from Indianapolis parties. Dr. Jim Lemons, a pediatrician at Riley in Indianapolis, spearheaded the project. Significant pieces of equipment, new or used, were also donated.

The atrium of the new building is decorated with a mobile of handblown glass globes created and donated by Dr. Jeff Rothenberg.

Donated incubators

Baby warmers Anaesthesia machines

More donated equipment

Donated supplies

Group photo. from left, John Kamanda (Moi U. facilities engineer), Dr. Adam Cohen, Donna Porter, Noah Matthews, Dr. Susan Cordes, Kyle Cordes, Sarah Wagner.

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