Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shamba visit

Today I went with my friend Mark to visit his parents home and "shamba" which is a small family farm. Donna Also came. We had a great time seeing the farm and meeting some family members. This photo shows Mark with his mom. I hope to write mire about our visit later.

The surgeons worked late as always. All were late for our going-away dinner. As is the Kenyan tradition, we had a celebration of sorts to end the visit with speeches of recognition and thanks. It was a nice time as always.

Afterwards our driver, Moiyo, drove us back to IU House in what looked like an old military transport vehicle. We were packed in, sitting on benches that lined the sides in the back, sniffing wicked exhaust fumes. Thank goodness it's a short trip.

And finally tonight, we all met for Tuskers back at IU House, ready to bid farewell in the morning after what will be a short night.

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