Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shamba info

A little more info on my friend's parents' shamba. The family owns about ten acres total. Two are owned by Mark. There are a half dozen or more small houses on the property. The main house has a living room and three attached bedrooms. Just outside is another one room building which is the kitchen. They cook with wood and charcoal.

The other buildings are one or two rooms each and house relatives, including one of Mark's brothers and wife, and the young son of a cousin.

There is no running water or electricity. Water comes from a 60" well dug by hand. The electric company is building a new electric pole line to the area but it is not complete. Some people have a solar panel and a battery to power some lights and radio. (maybe TV)

They plant corn and sell the excess to the govt who sells to aid programs like Red Cross.

They grow some bananas and other things. They have honey bees, milk cows, chickens and sheep. All is for the family except they do sell milk to a creamery that picks it up at the main road every morning in large aluminum containers.

Theres more to say but it's time to go to the airport to Masai Mara.

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