Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So hot, then cold

After our picnic lunch, we walked along the ridge to a trail head to hike down to the water for a dip in the lake. It was so unbelievably hot. It was Africa hot. As we began our decent it started to rain. And it poured. And it even hailed a bit. We made it maybe 1/4 of the way down and decided this was not such a good idea. We were soaked and freezing. So we climbed back out and made our way back to the Nissan and drove back to the castle. The old Nissan isn't very dependable. It stalled a few times. It wouldn't start a few times. It had to be push-started a few times. Once by a bunch of school kids. The heavy rains had made the dirt roads even worse than they were before by washing away more dirt along the edges. We were glad to get back this evening. It's time to relax.

Lake Challa

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Picnic lunch at Lake Challa

We are having a wonderful picnic lunch at the abandoned hotel on the rim of Lake Challa, a volcanic crater lake of unknown depth, with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the distance.

Nap time

We spent the first half of Wednesday in the town of Taveta. Mark is napping with his sisal rope in the back of the Nissan Patrol on the way to Lake Challa.

Charles being chased by an imaginary hippo at Lake Jipe Tuesday evening. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Charles and Mark enjoying bloody mary sundowners overlooking Lake Jipe.

Bush walk

Late this morning we went on a guided bush walk. The first leg was all about dodging thorny branches, bugs, and elephant ding. Susan was stung by something. It was extremely painful for a few minutes.

We didn't see any wildlife in the heat of the day, but we did see some interesting birds and this baobob tree.

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Snow in Africa. View of Mount Kilimanjaro from the castle. It is the peak on the left which is much further away than the peak on the right. We also had a view of it as we were flying in. The mountain towered far above us at some 19,300'. We were flying at 9,500'. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

No WiFi

No WiFi here at the castle, so no skyping home for Charles and Mark. I can still make some blog updates using the cell networks.

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Flying by Grogan's Castle before turning around and landing on their private airstrip. 


Susan with Tanzania in the background.

Charles, Mark, Susan and I have arrived at Grogan's Castle.

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Aero Club

Netta, our Nairobi based travel agent, took us to lunch at the Aero Club for lunch. It is just outside the Wilson airport. Taha is on his way to Dubai. Amy and Kim are off to do some sight-seeing before their night flight to Amsterdam. Us final four are waiting for our charter to Grogan's Castle.

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Hippo Corner, unbelievable this morning

Leopard, morning game drive

The sun is back out this morning and the Mara is beautiful once again. Our drive was highlighted by two leopards, a mother and child. They are very shy so we are fortunate to get a photo of one sitting still.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dry season is so over

After seeing the rhinos on our afternoon game drive, we headed back to the resort because it was pouring rain. Hopefully Monday will be dry. After our morning game drive and breakfast, we will fly to Nairobi.

From Nairobi, Kim will head back to Connecticut, Amy back to Indy, and Taha to Dubai to visit a brother and family currently living there.

Mark, Charles, Susan and I will have lunch with our Nairobi travel agent and then fly back out, this time to Grogan's Castle for a few more days in Kenya.


Grant's Gazelles

This herd of Grant's Gazelles is hanging out in the trees to avoid the rain. Apparently the dry season ended this afternoon. These are all females except for a couple males with horns.

Young and courageous (foolish)

After the morning game drive and breakfast, the resident residents, Mark and Kim, went for a 10k run, from the resort to the airstrip and back. They made arrangements with management to do the run. Apparently they are not the first to do this here. Running at 10:30 is supposedly low risk as animal hunting activity is low at this time during the dry season. The resort sent a vehicle to follow them to protect them, just in case. The vehicle had a driver and "the head of security and health" for the resort. They saw some monkeys, warthogs, and wildebeest. Mark says his 10k time was a personal best. It would have been even faster if they saw lions.

Fairmont Mara Safari Club

Our tent and common areas at Mara Safari Club.

Harsh brown potatoes at breakfast

They weren't that harsh. ;-)

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Hippo Corner is always crowded

Children across the river bank from Hippo Corner



We saw our first elephants this morning. Can you see the one under the tree?


This cheetah didn't look healthy. Our driver suggested he has. Skin disease.

Note in one photo he is marking territory.

Young lions playing

Maasai demonstration

Before dinner, the local Maasai put on a traditional show. Susan and Mark were among the invited participants. Here, Mark is elevating and putting the rest to shame.

Quiz answer

There are four lions in the picture. The obvious lion is just to the right of the bush. There are two more slightly behind and to the left of the bush. And there's one more in the field, to the right of the bush further away.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012


Cape Buffalo

a muddy hyena

Lion cub


Zebras with ostriches in background

Wildebeest under Acacia tree

Cape buffalo in the early evening

Zebra and wildebeest.

Quiz time. How many lions do you see?

First lion we saw in the Mara.

Hippo Point

Many submerged hippos at "Hippo Point" in the Mara River.

Ready for lunch at Mara Safari Club