Monday, February 4, 2019

1/2 ton of stuff

Sunday evening. In the photo, Susan and Bruce are doing some sorting of the 1/2 ton of supplies we all brought. Diana and Kathi are doing the same but outside the photo. They are deciding what needs to go to the ENT clinic Monday morning and what needs to go to the hospital operating "theatre", as it's known in a former British colony.

All of this luggage was sent by road from Nairobi to Eldoret, a 5-6 hour drive. We can't put it on the plane as it's weigh too much. Get it? "Weigh" too much? Sorry.

This sorting is happening in "the library" At IU House, in House #1. There are four main houses at IU House. Each has common space downstairs and 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms upstairs for visitors like us. The common areas for the houses are as follows:

#1- Library. Quiet room with couches, used for many purposes including Swahili lessons in the morning and skyping back home to friends/family in the evening. Also a washing machine in this house.

#2- kitchen, dining hall, and water boiling area for sterilized water.

#3- Administrative offices

#4- computer room (but there is Wi-Fi throughout) and another washing machine.

I will work with the hospital driver to move all this stuff to the hospital on Monday.

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