Saturday, February 2, 2013

Science test

We stopped for a demonstration at the equator. A local "guide" performed an experiment to prove that water wants to rotate in different directions depending on which side of the equator you are on. First, we walked 20 steps north of the equator and he poured water into a funnel with a small drain opening. He placed a couple of small sticks in the water and you could see them rotating clockwise. He pointed out that the water coming out of the funnel spiraled clockwise.

Then we walked 20 steps south of the equator and repeated the experiment and the water flowed counter-clockwise.

And finally we repeated the experiment right at the equator and the sticks did not rotate and the water coming out of the funnel did not spiral.

It was a fun experiment, but is it legit? Travel guides suggest it is slight of hand, but it was a fun little diversion.

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