Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, Casablanca cont.

After leaving the mosque, we then walked into the heart of the city and passed a number of little cafes where patrons drank (presumably) the local mint tea. We did pop into a little patisserie for some fabulous pastries - some odd little things with sesame seeds and jellies. We walked to the old cathedral. It is nothing fancy and is in disrepair. Our guidebook said it was only open for special occasions. Well, it was open for an art exhibit. We paid a small fee to the man at the door in order to climb the tower. Soon the steps narrowed and were full of pigeons and droppings. Susan (wisely) stopped at the first point it narrowed. Kyle went on to the top, clapping his hands along the way to scare away pigeons in advance. The views of the city at the top were quite nice. The minaret of the mosque is in the background and then the Atlantic (and haze) make up the backdrop. 

Sent from Kyle's AT&T iPhone

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