Saturday, February 1, 2020


Just enjoyed nice, hot showers ($8) at the Frankfurt airport. A nice morning treat after sitting in the sweltering Nairobi airport waiting for our midnight departure last night.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Susan is awfully close to this rhino!

This is right outside our tent. What's hard to see is that there is a deep ditch just beyond Susan, and within is an electric fence to keep the animals beyond us. They like to come here because there is a big watering hole for them.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

White Rhino

Looks almost prehistoric...

Common zebra

These grazing animals seem to eat as long as they are awake.

Cape Buffalo

Impala herd



Game drive

Time for a game drive with our guide, George.

Motorcycle umbrellas

This pic is from a few days ago when it rained. A number of the taxi motorcycles had these umbrellas on them that extend back to cover passengers.

Home sweet home

For the next two nights

We have arrived

Notice we are at the equator! Latitude 00.00

And... We're in the air


Avinash is our co-pilot today. We told him not to touch anything!

Our real pilot, George, has flown us numerous times.

Wednesday morning

The docs rounded on their patients and now we're at an airstrip to go to our safari camp.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

"Date With an African Boy"

Diana enjoying a "Date with an African Boy". That's the name of a cocktail at a restaurant. We all had a good laugh about it.

Taking inventory

Last day of surgeries. My main job today is to take inventory of supplies and things we put in storage here to be available for future trips. I use an app on my iPhone to organize and track everything.

Road construction, part 3

Oooh. They are finishing with pavers!


We've been getting some evening rains. Typically it doesn't rain here until mid-march.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Decompression time, after Monday surgeries

Waiting for visiting hours

There are people stretched out, laying in the grass, just off the sidewalk near the hospital. They are waiting for visiting hours and have nowhere else to go. 

MTRH is Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. A referral hospital would be similar to a University Medical Center in the US. Patients get referred here from villages far and wide. Their families often don't have friends or relatives they can stay with and they can't afford a room rental. So they do what they have to do. In total there were probably 50 people in the the area.

Sent from Kyle's iPhone