Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heat for our room

This gas log stove heats our room. It is controlled by a wireless thermostat. When we checked into our room the temp was 59. We never thought this thing would warm us up, but it did. We are keeping it set at a toasty 74.


Chill in the air

It's unseasonably chili here, but local folks seem to embrace it. This shopkeeper has her door propped open and is wearing a hat, jacket, scarf, and fingerless gloves. While it is chili, the sun is nice and warm today.

Shops in Mendocino

Stained glass

The church has stained glass windows of various nature scenes. My favorite was this one with whales.

St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Mendocino, CA

Little River, California

Our ocean view in Little River, California. Just a couple miles south of Mendocino.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


We made it back to Indy!! The pups slept most of the way...including in some interesting configurations.

Our last morning at the beach

We will miss our oceanfront morning routine.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday afternoon nap


The other side of our duplex has been occupied since Tuesday by a family with two big lab mixes, Lady and Scout. Our decks connect at the outdoor shower area, so all our dogs roam freely and visit either side.

Shells on the seashore

There are always lots of shells and shell fragments on the beach. There seem to be more than usual this morning after storms last night.

Morning walk and playtime on the beach

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Beaufort, NC

This afternoon we left the island and took a little road trip and visited the town of Beaufort on the "mainland". It is a quaint tourist town that reminds us of the tourist towns along the coast of Lake Michigan in southwest Michigan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Haute dogs on vacation

Moshi is sporting his new "I'm on vacation at the beach" collar. We ordered a matching pink one for Malaika but it's too big, so she's wearing a butterfly collar:)

Quiet morning

All is quiet in the beach this morning while Moshi keeps watch.

Dog tired. Again

After walking about a mile and a half on the beach, the dogs are very tired. Moshi works his retractable leash in such a way that he probably traveled 3 miles...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spiral staircase

Our beach house has a little spiral staircase to get to the second floor. The dogs like the openness of it.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Beach rental

Here's our place as we come back from our long morning walk on the beach. It's a duplex and were renting the half on the right. You can see the second floor from here. The dunes block the first floor which is elevated up off the beach. We have nice views from the top floor. However, our place is tiny compared to most of the huge places on the beach.

Cordes vacation

Susan relaxing with dogs that are dog tired after running up and down the beach.

First beach walk

Both dogs enjoyed the beach. Moshi enjoyed the shallow waves coming in. The waves crash far enough out in the water that they didn't bother him much. Malaika preferred to stay a bit more inland and out of the water.

Greetings from Emerald Isle, North Carolina

Susan, the dogs, and I are spending a week together at a beach house on the shore of the North Carolina Outer Banks. We arrived last night and the dogs will get their first ocean visit today. I predict Moshi will bark at the waves. Here is the view from our deck.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Back home

We eventually made it back to Indy, picked up Malaika and Moshi, and got home before midnight. They are nice and tired on Easter Sunday after a trip to Seymour and some play time with Amos, the Labradoodle puppy next door.