Wednesday, November 4, 2015

If Hawaii had a state car...

If Hawaii had a state car, it would be the Chevrolet Camaro convertible rental car. They are everywhere. Yellow, red, black, white, silver, and maroon.

The bright yellow really stands out, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of one.

Chillin' at the Westin Resort

We survived an "ownership" sales pitch unscathed and are relaxing on our last full day on Kauai.

The "Grand Canyon" of Hawaii

Mountain Tubing | Kauai Backcountry Adventures

Yesterday we went "tubing" down irrigation channels and through tunnels on the grounds of an old sugar plantation. It was lots of fun. No actual pictures because we didn't want to drown our phones.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Visiting Hawaii, the island of Kauai

Here are a few random photos from our first day in Hawaii. It's so beautiful and lush.

Monday, February 16, 2015

New calendar

New 2015 Rivatex calendar is on the wall at work. Rivatex is an Eldoret company that makes fabrics for a variety of uses. They start with bales of raw cotton and go from there. Every year we buy new cloth calendars as every year they feature a different animal (or bird). Funny thing is, they don't make them, or at least they aren't available in their store, until early February each year.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Arrived Nairobi airport

We survived horrendous Nairobi traffic and made it to the airport. We checked in at the new terminal, which was built after the major fire they had a few years ago. The photo is of the Java House restaurant, all shiny, new, and expanded, now with full table service. The one thing the same is that's it's way too hot in here!

Nairobi traffic


Stopping to see a friend in Nairobi

We are working our way to the Nairobi airport and stopped to meet up with our friend, Lucy, who used to live in Eldoret but now lives in Nairobi and works for the UN.

Flowering cactus

Group photo at equator

Giraffe at the watering hole

Lilac-breasted roller

Lion kill

Lions killed a Cape buffalo sometime Wednesday night or in the wee hours Thursday morning. The first photo shows the lions on the kill Thursday morning with a jackal waiting in the foreground. The second shows the last lion abandoning the carcass Friday morning with jackals moving in. The third photo is nothing but jackals on the carcass. Patience pays off.

Striped hyena

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Diana on the equator

Diana left for the US on Wednesday, but we brought her with us in our own way. Here she is at the equator.

Morning game drive

1,2: Giraffe, just after daybreak
3: Eland
4: Hooded Plover
5: Martial Eagle (with warthog below)
6: Rhino (young) with zebra in background
7: Giraffe in foreground with faint outline of Mount Kenya in the distance
8,9: Zebra and Eland at the watering hole at our resort