Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heat for our room

This gas log stove heats our room. It is controlled by a wireless thermostat. When we checked into our room the temp was 59. We never thought this thing would warm us up, but it did. We are keeping it set at a toasty 74.


Chill in the air

It's unseasonably chili here, but local folks seem to embrace it. This shopkeeper has her door propped open and is wearing a hat, jacket, scarf, and fingerless gloves. While it is chili, the sun is nice and warm today.

Shops in Mendocino

Stained glass

The church has stained glass windows of various nature scenes. My favorite was this one with whales.

St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Mendocino, CA

Little River, California

Our ocean view in Little River, California. Just a couple miles south of Mendocino.