Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dr. Pukose visit

We met Dr. Pukose in his town, Kabarnet, Kenya, in Feb 2010. He came to visit Indiana recently and we attended a BBQ at the Weisbergers' house. In this photo: Ed Weisberger, Susan, David Matthews, Dr. Pukose.

Dr. Pukose is THE one and only surgeon at the hospital in Kabarnet. He does it all. He does the trauma cases, orthopedic cases, general surgery cases, everything. He's on call 24/7/365...

...except for his 3 week leave to come to the US...

Before leaving, he made arrangements to divert everything to hospitals in Eldoret or Nakuru. And since the local ambulance had recently been in an accident, he went to the repair shop to make sure it was again operational.

It was nice to visit with him again. Hopefully our paths will cross again. Maybe back in Kabarnet.